Parish Projects
The following are projects that the neighbourhood plan identifies section 106 and any future Community Infrastructure Levy monies should be used towards, subject to meeting the tests of the CIL Regulations.
• Formation of a Community Orchard, wildflower meadow and nature reserve at Lower Buckland to return lost biodiversity to the area
• Renovation of Primrose Copse to provide a community leisure facility with nature trails, etc.
• Increased planting on the section of bunding along the Aston Clinton bypass to improve the visual and noise aspect of the road
• Increased planting between the industrial area to the north of the A41 bypass and the Aylesbury Arm of the Grand Union Canal
• Measures to reduce the speed of traffic and improve highways safety in all parts of the Parish
• The upgrading of infrastructure, including broadband within the Parish
• The reduction of pollution from industrial areas
• Support for the restoration of the Wendover Arm of the Grand Union Canal at Buckland Wharf